Lets face it...
Paddle boarding is freaking awesome!


And nearly anyone can do it. But that doesn't mean they know how to do it safely & effectively...

Few people get any guidance or instruction on best practices to keep themselves, friends & family safe & how to maneuver and paddle with the efficient techniques that don't put unnecessary stress on their body. Even though it paddle-boarding is easy, it can turn dangerous really quickly. Way too many people are putting themselves in dangerous & risky situation without having any idea.

Mary is passionate about spreading the stoke to keep you & your loved ones safe & protect your body!

Elite SUP Instruction

A RiverSUP pioneer, Mary started paddle boarding on the Colorado and Roaring Fork rivers in 2011. She has spent thousands of hours on the water & taught hundreds of people how to
stand up paddle board on rivers & lakes worldwide.

Whether you’re interested in river, flat water or SUP yoga --

Come learn & play in a SUP intensive clinics OR schedule a private clinic.
Learn to teach in a SUP instructor training!

Find out more information on various options below.

Learn from the Pro >>> Explore your options

A bit more on >>> Mary’s SUP Background

Mary’s passion for SUP led her to help get Shaboomee Stand Up Paddle Boarding- a new business start up- off the ground. Her full-time focus for 4 years helped establish a successful & reputable company that designs high quality boards at direct to consumer prices and offers rentals, instruction & certifications.

Trained & Certified in SUP instruction through:

  • PSUPA. Professional Stand Up Paddleboard Association

  • ACA. American Canoe Association

  • ASI. Academy of Surfing Instructors

  • WPA . World Paddle Association

  • SUP yoga & fitness by H2yo, Paddle Into Fitness, & Nikki Gregg.

As a SUP instructor trainer with PSUPA- Mary loves to share her passion for the sport and assist paddlers in learning how to teach paddle boarding with safety and fun as her highest priorities!