Our journey in life is riddled with moments that quietly take a toll on our confidence, abilities, and feelings of self-worth. These silent killers prevent us from fully living a life of ambition, deep connection, and fulfillment.

These moments start early in life, and are the seeds of our emotional discontent. They are very different than the types of trauma that we know as adults. Our adult traumas, however, do nurture these seeds, creating the patterns that we find difficult to break...

Emotions are like onions. rRest can get to the deeper layers.


I help clients gently and rapidly remove undesired stress responses that stand between you and the life you want. The result is greater clarity around why your stressors hold you back, both personally and professionally, and how to move forward to achieve success. 


Get Started. Transform your Life.

Real change requires commitment- AND- I realize that you might want to experience this ground-breaking technique for yourself before committing to a package.

As a student working towards certification, I’m offering a tiered approach to pricing, with an option for a highly discounted introductory rREST session- to make sure we align and you are able to feel it for yourself and see it’s powerful potential first hand.d


Do your ask yourself questions like these?

  • Why did just yell at my spouse?

  • Whey can’t I improve?

  • Why am i always so overwhelmed?

  • Why do I have to work so much harder than my peers for similar results?

Examples of negative thought patterns

  • Can’t make it the next level of performance doing “all the right things”

  • Feeling overwhelmed or anxious and not understand why

  • Making poor health choices despite knowing what to do.

  • Lashing out at your spouse or kids instead of effectively communicating

A rREST coach provides:

  • A safe and gentle space for 1:1 coaching

  • Identification of stressors without re-living the trauma.

  • Clearing & removal of stress at its course

  • Integration of new, positive though patterns with your conscious mind

Coaching that gets Results

rREST has developed a unique approach to coaching that enhances your self-awareness at the subconscious level. As a coach, I help remove blind spots in your mind that cause you to react in ways that you normally wouldn’t. With regular coaching calls, you are equipped to win faster and with less friction than you would on your own. 

With rREST coaching, you start to notice more—the weight of your stress lifts,
allowing room for emotional clarity.

Put Your Stress to Rest

 As a rREST coach, I create a safe and inclusive space tailored to your specific needs. An effective coach helps you see your specific circumstances objectively and provides you with the tools you need to deal with the complexities of your situation. Using the proprietary rREST method and the brain’s neuroplasticity, I go one step further to help your unconscious brain remove negative repetitive thoughts, and then integrate more appropriate and effective response patterns.