a collective prayer - to enter into the sacred chamber of our hearts

As we welcome 2022-  I offer up a collective prayer for us as humans in these wild & unpredictable times.

I pray that we enter into the sacred chamber of our heart.

I pray that the we witness what we find there. I pray that we pause. I pray that we dig deep to understand our part in the collective darkness. I pray that we hold space for the heaviness that sits so strongly on our hearts. I pray that we not longer repress or numb those very real, hard feelings.

My heart is heavy for those who have lost everything they own due to the unprecedented fire that ravaged over 500 homes in Superior & Lousville.

My heart is heavy for the suffering of so many more than just my neighbors and friends here who have lost their homes.

My heart is heavy for all those who have suffered from the natural disasters around the world.

My heart is heavy for the deep suffering so many are experiences as we continue to navigate the impacts, loss, grief & adjustment of this global pandemic

My heart is heavy for the continued violence that plagues our society and takes innocent lives.

My heart is heavy for the pain that drives people to this desperation.

My heart is heavy for those who find themselves selves stuck, lost, depressed or struggling it these heavy times.

My heart- however- has HOPE

My heart has hope that we will band together  and lift each other up.

My heart has hope that we are being woken up to the dysfunction of the systems that are no longer serving us.

My heart has hope that we are resilient and have the brilliance to face all that befalls us with strength, courage & grace.

My heart has hope that as these tragedies continue to befall us, that it will wake us up as a collective to see that how we are living is not working.

My heart has has hope that whatever ravages our hearts, our minds, our souls or our homes will spark a revolution within us.

My heart has has hope that a new era is upon us, as the systems of patriarchy crack & crumble- the divine feminine will rise to replace them with ones that care for our hearts & souls & not just our pocketbooks.

My heart has hope that more and more are awakening to their own truth, power & possibility and creating massive change

My heart has hope that we are remembering and connecting to the divine reasons we came to this earth at this time.

My heart has hope that are tapping into a higher realms of consciousness, awakening to higher dimensions that allow us to live in joy, peace & pleasure.

My heart has hope that we will rise up from the ashes of destruction

My heart has hope that we will use this time to plant new seeds that will in time grow into strong, steady oak trees that can withstand and honor all that befalls us with a steadiness, a grace, and a DEEP KNOWING that all will be well in the end- that the divine has a greater understanding than we could ever imagine.

My heart has hope that we will ride these waves of discomfort suffering & pain and know find that same knowing.

My heart has hope because we able to connect to the divine within ourselves and access our souls deep & powerful knowing too.

I pray that we move from our heads and into our hearts.

I pray that we seek & nurture our individual connection to the divine. I pray that we learn to slow down and tune into our souls wisdom. I pray that we open to the wisdom that is being awakened in light workers & lightkeepers who have come to this lifetime to be leaders of the new earth as we raise consciousness.

I pray that we find the courage to reach out when the weight seems unbearable. I pray that we all pay more attention to those around us. I pray that we all reach out to someone when we notice they are suffering. I pray we we understand that the violence is a result to deep rooted pain left unaddressed. I pray that we seek tools to navigate wild & challenging times. I pray that we open our hearts. I pray that we move from our heads and into our hearts.

I pray that we reflect on how we may be contributing to the problems our society & world is facing. I pray that we give ourselves deep compassion for whereever we find ourselves. I pray that we do our part to support the rebuilding & restructuring of our communities . I pray that we shift our relationship to mother earth. I pray that we find new ways to honor, restore & protect her.

I pray that we find gratitude for what is going well & right. I pray that we find the silver lining as we navigate tumultuous times. I pray at we always seek the wisdom that lies on the other side of our pain.

I pray that we give ourselves and others forgiveness.  I pray that we heal ourselves and support others in their healing journeys. I pray we rise like a phoenix from the ashes, glorious & invincible in our hearts & souls.

I pray we all hold ourselves and the ones we love tight tonight.

My deepest prayer is that enter into the sacred chamber of our hearts.



>>> I am Mary Sundblom a modern day priestess of light, a flame-keeper, a sacred rebel rising, guided by spirit and here to lead during this great planetary

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artwork by @autumnskyeart

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I am & have always been a โ€œtoo muchโ€ woman.