You’re in!…

now, go to your inbox to confirm your email address
to make sure to get the challenge emails starting April 9th;)



OMG… I’m so excited you’re joining me for 3 days of MAGIC!

I’ve been giddy preparing for this challenge… and it’s going to be transformative! 3 days. 3 special guests.
Inspiration that can change your life forever.

Powerful activations, daily inspiration, quantum healing mediations, special guest conversations
& empowering reflections & exercises to wake to the magic and mystery that surrounds us always!

It all starts- April 11th… 11 am MST…
Same time each day. Are you ready?


Sacred Invitation to Commit to this Challenge >>>

The more presence, effort, intention and commitment you bring,
the more you invite the universe to support you & them you spark!

If you’re not already in my Sacred Rebel Society on Facebook,
be sure to join my community to get all the juicy content and so you can participated to win prizes!

If you’re not on FB, links to join me on zoom will be sent out each day of the challenge:)

You’ll receive daily actionables >>> aka Divine Sparks in motion!

Each day you’ll be given an actionable during the session to help you further integrate magic into your own life!

You’ll have the opportunity to share a little about any insights, synchronicities or divine sparks in my Sacred Rebel community.

If you complete your actionables each day- you’ll be entered to win a 90min Divine Spark healing or coaching session that could include any of the following ($300 value):

  • Emotional stress release & energy healing

  • rREST (Rapid Reprograming of the Emotional Stress Technique)

  • Akashic therapy

  • Breakthrough session

I’m giddy to watch the magic unfold as spirit takes the wheel!

With so much love,
